The Work IN to move out of stress, tension & anxiety
The Work IN is for fitness professionals and refugees from the body brand nation who are ready to make trauma informed instruction the gold standard of professionalism across the industry. You'll find mentorship and professional perspectives to help fitness professionals and wellness educators who want to set themselves apart using a creative, trauma sensitive approach so that they can get lasting results for their clients and avoid burnout for themselves.
205 episodes
Eating to Sleep and Sleep to Cure Cravings
A good night's sleep is the holy grail for many of us, especially women because it’s so responsive to our hormone fluctuations. In our modern society in general, men and women, on average, are lucky to get 6 hours of sleep a night, despite r...
Season 5
Episode 203
Nutrition results you can live with
So often at the beginning of the year we feel a push change. A push towards healthy eating choices and a pull towards familiar habit patterns. When both happen at the same time we get stuck in the middle. The body is a complicated system of ...
Season 5
Episode 202
Exercise and the Myth of Motivation
Motivation is an unsustainable myth. At least in the sense that most of us understand it. The idea that we need to feel some kind of way in order to take action toward our goals is BS. We shouldn’t be reliant on a fleeting sensation for anyt...
Season 5
Episode 201
8 Essentials to make any health change last a lifetime
Ep 200 8 essentials to make any health change last a lifetimeNothing changes until something changes. Welcome back to The Work IN podcast. At the time of this recording it is a brand new year. 2025. And just like eve...
Season 5
Episode 200
The art and science of manifestation: Why goal setting is such a struggle and resolutions fail
Hey there, welcome back. Today marks the episode 199 of The Work IN podcast and as we are set to enter 2025, and celebrate our 5th season. I can’t even believe that. I didn't even think I wanted to do a podcast! But here I am looking a...
Season 4
Episode 199
Anandamaya kosha your bliss body
Welcome back to our series on the koshas. We've discussed Annamaya, our physical body layer, pranamaya kosha our energetic/breath layer, manomaya kosha our mental layer and last week we discussed Vijnanamaya kos...
Season 4
Episode 198
Vijnanamaya Kosha wisdom self
We continue our exploration of the koshas this week with the 4th kosha. Vijnanamaya kosha is our wisdom body. The seat of our intellect.We strive for both wisdom and intellect and yet struggle to define them in practical ways. That’s our Wor...
Season 4
Episode 197
Manomaya kosha your mental self
We are rarely who we think we are. Or are we? Manomaya kosha is the mental illusion over our true self. Our Work IN today we’re discussing our mind, its monkey aspects, squirrelish behavior and how to untangle the truth of who we are.
Season 4
Episode 196
Pranamaya kosha breath of life
Without breath, we cease to exist and yet we spend very little of our time or attention understanding its healing power. Unless we’re in a yoga class. That’s our Work IN today, exploring pranamaya kosha, our energetic self, through the breat...
Season 4
Episode 195
Annamaya Kosha your physical self
Annamaya Kosha Your physical selfWelcome to our series on the koshas. The Koshas are the 5 layers of self, set one within the other from the physical body to the Bliss body. Today is all about Annamaya Kosha. Anna meaning food ...
Season 4
Episode 194
Lifting the veils: An introduction to the Koshas
Stress and trauma is overwhelming because it permeates every layer of our being. Having a deeper understanding of what those layers are can help us start the healing process toward post traumatic growth. Today our work IN is an introduction ...
Season 4
Episode 193
Sexism in medicine: Misogyny, gaslighting and trauma in women's healthcare Part 2
Welcome back this is part 2 of our hysterical history. Today we shift into examples of medical misogyny in modern medicine.Our work IN today is a mix of healthcare history and a rebellious call to action for women everywhere to...
Season 4
Episode 192
Hysterical history: Medical misogyny, gaslighting and trauma in women's healthcare
There is to this day a pattern of dismissal that is compounded by a lack of value placed on the female patient's lived experience and a distinct bias and inequality when it comes to research and precision guidelines for women. This is ...
Season 4
Episode 191
Connecting all the hard things
One of the most powerful tools we have to build resilience and overcome chronic stress and trauma is connection. It’s the first thing that is sacrificed in the face of stress injury and yet it is the number one thing we need if we’re going t...
Season 4
Episode 190
Hard Things: Good hard sleep
Ep 189 Hard things: Good hard sleepSleep is a hard thing. Good sleep is even harder.The complexity of our network of systems makes it even harder to isolate the keys to getting a great night’s sleep when literally anythin...
Season 4
Episode 189
Uncommon sense on your plate
Eating “right” is a hard thing but not because it’s actually hard to do. Experts keep changing their minds, making unsupported nutrition recommendations that are riddled with conflicts of interest and have resulted in the exact opposite of h...
Season 4
Episode 188
Hard is sexy
Goldilocks got it wrong. At least when it comes to exercise. Hard is sexy. Hard is effective. Hard makes everything easier. Hard exercise is required to maintain and build the kind of muscle that supports health span not just life span. That...
Season 4
Episode 187
Hard things for health
They say yoga poses don’t begin until you want to quit. That is true for everything in health and wellness. If we want to be strong, healthy and well beyond the false sense of security that comes with mainstream medical health markers we nee...
Season 4
Episode 186
Full time fitness fallacy
I’m killing the dream of a full time fitness career today on The Work IN. Working full time as a fitness instructor or coach and making a living is not realistic. At least not the way we traditionally think of full time in other career...
Season 4
Episode 185
Putting the professional back in the fit pro
Let’s face it, the fitness and wellness industry attracts all kinds of people and there are all kinds of ways to succeed in it. The assumption is that people who work in wellness, from instructors and trainers to studio and gym owners, are w...
Season 4
Episode 184
What makes trauma release yoga different?
What makes trauma release yoga different from every other kind of yoga?They say comparison is the thief of joy but it can also be an excellent guide post. Today we’re going to take a deep dive into the differences between tradi...
Season 4
Episode 183
Using the 5 stages of grief to conquer chronic stress
Grief and stress are part of the human condition. We don’t need to live very long before we experience either one. What’s interesting is the recovery process for each can be remarkably similar. Chronic long term stress can feel remarkably li...
Season 4
Episode 182
Retreat with intention
Yoga retreats sound so nice. Full disclosure, I’ve never been on a retreat per say and I have all the excuses to prove it. I’ve done yoga teacher training that lasted a week but I’ve never had the time to take away from my family, my job for...
Season 4
Episode 181
Redefine your subconscious identity pathology
When you live long enough, you’re going to accumulate trauma. Sometimes it’s big T trauma and sometimes it’s little t. The big T is stuff like assault, abuse, or car accidents, or combat, or witnessing a horrific event of some kind. Little t...
Season 4
Episode 180
Stress: My favorite addiction
Until about the age of 7 we don’t have the ability to reject any ideas or beliefs that we’re exposed to. Our baby brains haven’t developed that kind of filtering yet. So our early years are marinating in the beliefs of our caregivers about w...
Season 4
Episode 179